With Advantages of MERN Stack, You Can Build Start-up apps With Ease

Why Using the MERN Stack is a Popular Start-Up App Idea

To make any app successful, it is always prudent to use the right technology. MERN stack gives your leverage for front-end and back-end development.

Amyra Sheldon
JavaScript in Plain English
10 min readJun 11, 2021


Source: Google Images

If you’re a start-up, everything is new for you, however tech-savvy you’re. Running a business wagon wheel and being — — a cog of the wheel — are two different things.

According to this Investopedia report, 20% of start-ups fall flat in the first year. And only 25% of the enterprises cross the 15-year mark.

Choosing the right technology stack emerges to be the first roadblock other than investments. For businesses to ensure rapid web development with outstanding features, selecting the right tech stack delivers a captivating web experience to users. So, if you’re looking to hire MERN stack developers, then perhaps this can turn out to be an excellent start for app development.

Developing a web app needs loads of uniqueness & creativity. The robustness and creativity of web designs are longer a surprise and puts your business in the driver’s seat. For start-ups, nothing can compete with MERN for tech stacks.

What Start-Ups Need To Do?

For successful start-ups, you should be clicking all the essentials to make your presence felt in the market.

  • Needs Quick Iteration — — Any start-up should always be ready to test products and bring them to the market.
  • Quick Scalability- They should be ready for scalability to become an overnight sensation like PayTM & Myntra. An Indian app, Chingari grew from 500 thousand to 10 million in a matter of weeks.
  • Work within tight deadlines- Time is Money! You should be moving like a flash of light in project delivery as your business competitors are always ready to surpass you and steal the show.

If you’re wondering how MERN gives you the upper hand? Let’s Check Out!

A majority of entrepreneurs are aware of versatile tech stacks. However, we have brought a comprehensive guide to hire MERN stack developers for app development projects for those who just put their foot on the pedal.

What is MERN Stack?

The popularity of the MERN stack lies in the fact that it is a collection of robust and highly scalable technologies used to develop scalable master web applications comprising front-end and back-end database components.

A mean stack development is among start-ups with a user-friendly full-stack JavaScript framework for building dynamic websites and applications for start-up apps.

It includes some hand-picked technologies such as MongoDB, Express, React JS, and Node.js.

Entrepreneurs who are looking for MERN stack project ideas, then you’re not new. We can say there is a dedicated community that is competing to develop projects using MERN.

1. MongoDB:

MongoDB is an open-source, cross-platform, NoSql DBMS., document-oriented database, which implies data can be saved using collections and documents. It has data storage in binary JSON format that ensures rapid data exchange between — — client and server. A start-up app development company enhances its ability to store a large volume of data using this scalable technology.

MongoDB is used by millions of developers to power the most innovative products & services. i.e., eBay, ivision, Adobe, Google, Shutterfly, intuit, SEGA

2. Express:

Express is a modular, lightweight Node.js framework that helps in building a custom applications. It is a server-side, back-end, JavaScript-based framework for writing simplified, fast, and secure applications.

3. React:

An open-source JavaScript library is ideal for building user interfaces, typically for single-page applications. It leverages code reusability on multiple platforms, for quick execution with scalability.

Successful start-ups that have used React are Pinterest, Wix, Myntra4.

4. Node:

Node JS is a cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment designed to run the JavaScript code outside the browser, on the server-side.

Top brands using Nodejs: LinkedIN, Netflix, Uber, Trello

MERN Stack Components- A Closer Look

Let’s jump into MERN stack project ideas components that make web development relatively easier.

1. MongoDB: A Cross-platform document database

MongoDB is a document database that stores flexible documents with a JSON(JavaScript Object Notation) based query language. The size of the content fields differs from another. MongoDB is a program that gives you the upper hand in flexibility and scalability.

Let’s check out the use cases.

Business advantages:

  • MongoDB works in a scalable environment which makes it a huge hit for start-ups
  • MongoDB is not limited to run on a single server, which makes it a versatile
  • MongoDB uses native applications to maintain multiple copies of data and supports the master-slave applications.
  • It suits MapReduce and flexible aggregation tools
  • MongoDB JavaScript is ideal for the database since it uses the language instead of procedures.


  • Mongo DB upscales in data volume and throughput, giving you enough flexibility across data centers to make it consistent.
  • It has a flexible data model with a dynamic schema with powerful GUI and command-line tools to make it faster for developers to build and evolve applications.
  • MongoDB stores data in flexible JSON-like documents, making data persistence and combination easy.
  • Relatively lower cost as MongoDB runs on commodity hardware. In addition, the technology gives on-demand, pay-as-you-go pricing with annual subscriptions, along with 24/7 global support.

If you’re going to use a tech stack in business apps, you should also understand its limitations so that you can prepare in advance.


  • MongoDB doesn’t support a relational database. Yet, it is possible by adding codes manually; however, slow execution affects performance.
  • MongoDB has problems with data redundancy since it stores key names for each value pair. Hence, it increases the unnecessary usage of memory.
  • To achieve performance and scalability, MongoDB ditches the transaction support. It makes MongoDB very easy to scale horizontally, which utilizes cheap hardware to balance the load.

Why use Mongo DB?

Companies looking for custom web app development services find it easier to invest in tech stacks like MERN, which is a combination of the latest technologies, where Mongo DB is one of them.,

  • Easier indexing of documents
  • Scalability and data handling (divisions into small machines)
  • Schemaless as data type stores in a separate document
  • Easier set up of Mongo DB environment
  • Flexible & fast document model to create

2. Express: A back-end Web application Framework

Express is a Node.js web application framework that simplifies the task of writing server code. For developers, there is no need to use the same code as in the HTTP module.


Fast speed and minimal architecture


Data is stored denormalized

Why Express?

  • Code reusability using the built-in router
  • Robust AP
  • Fast & Scalable
  • Asynchronous and Single-threaded

3. React: Library for building User Interfaces

A Facebook product and is ideal for developing views in HTML(instead of using templates). It uses a comprehensive programming language to build repetitive DOM elements.

The codes can run on both server and browser — which differentiates MERN from MEAN. It involves new features, bug fixes, and new deprecation warnings to prepare for a future major release.

React is still the most loved framework when talking about popularity (more than 75 %) of developers are using it. Angular, which is also popular, comes second in the category(57.6 %)

If you already have an app idea or need good guidance, connecting with a dedicated React app developer can be a good choice.

React Usage Statistics:

When should a startup choose ReactJS?

Any startup custom app development company wants an efficient framework and perfect technology that copes well with the business requirements. But on project requirements, estimated budget, and time

Consider some key points as to when to choose Reactjs for Start-Ups:

  • If you’re looking for scalability — it’s always easy to train or hire React Native experts
  • When you’re looking to create MVP fast — — when there is stiff competition, you need to create a swift MVP
  • When you’ve nagging deadlines — MVP is only the half solution, you should always prepare for making constant changes and updates with little time & effort.

If you’re looking to manage on a limited budget — — only ideas will not fulfill your start-up apps needs. You need a product (MVP) with minimal features, but there is always a chance that you may face a shortfall of finances. Hence Reactjs proves vital to minimize the risk of business failure.

Business Advantages:

These features characterize React as a front-end framework

  • Virtual DOM: A lightweight copy of the original DOM including all the properties.
  • Supports one-way data-binding means data flow in one direction throughout the whole application with better control.
  • React is component-based; the logic of the component is written in JavaScript than templates, makes it easy to pass data through the app and keep the state out of DOM.


Virtual DOM ensures a user-friendly experience with quick development

  • Relies on virtual DOM and re-render what has changed for better performance
  • Tight binding of values or handling global variables vs. global variable
  • Stability of codes since data moves in one direction


These are the points that showcase the disadvantage of a React front-end framework:

  • Integration of the MVC framework requires awareness of configuration changes.
  • Developers have to write their documentation since React updates faster, which gives no time to write proper instruction.
  • It uses JSX. It’s a syntax extension, which allows mixing HTML with JavaScript. However, developers and designers complain about JSX’s complexity and consequent steep learning curve.
  • Scope for learning is quite unpredictable, so not recommended for new web developers.

Why use React?

  • React supports components (building blocks of UI) where each component has a logic. The components also support code reusability and make web application development easier.
  • Features like Virtual DOM, JSX, and components make it comparatively faster than other frameworks.
  • Entails easy coding for Android, iOS, using JavaScript and React.

4. Node.js: A JavaScript runtime Environment

Nodejs is supported by the Google V8 engine, which gives you the power to execute simultaneously in the frontend using JavaScript. As per the current release line, Node.js replaces Node.js 14 Feature.

The following features Node.js as a back-end development framework:


  • It is being built on Google Chrome’s V8 JavaScript Engine while executing codes.Node.js library is speedy.
  • Node.js does not buffer any data since these apps output the data in chunks.
  • It comprises asynchronous APIs (non-blocking). It means Node.js servers are independent of API to return data.
  • Node.js uses a single-threaded model with event looping. The event mechanism helps the server respond in a non-blocking way and ensures scalability of the server instead of traditional servers creating limited threads to handle requests.


  • Node.js supports a Google V8 engine, which can execute simultaneously in the frontend using JavaScript.
  • Again an open-source, friendly, and easy to use
  • Helpful for web app and server. You can use the same code on both the server and client-side.
  • Can build a powerful server-side application


  • Node.js’ API or the application programming interface is flexible, lacks consistency.
  • Decrease in productivity as you have to write everything from scratch and slows your work down.
  • Do not support multi-threaded programming. It can serve more complicated applications but not suitable for long-running calculations.

Why use Node.js?

  • Support open-source JavaScript Runtime Environment
  • Single-threaded model
  • Faster code executions since it is built on Google Chrome’s JavaScript Engine

So I believe this tutorial must have enhanced your overall knowledge & understanding when choosing MERN STACK. Like I stated in the first few lines, running a business is a different ball game altogether. It is not only about investment, projects, or resource allocation. If you are choosing a tech stack, you should have a sound understanding of that.

I tried to sound less theoretical and emphasized start-up apps’ benefits.

Let’s have a walk through some benefits of the MERN stack that businesses are enjoying today.

  • Incredible User Experience — It is only because of user experience which is vital to success. It is a fully responsive app that increases traffic.
  • Stability and evolvement — The versatile nature of React Native is still evolving and backed by a large community.
  • Developers Availability — You’ll see a robust marketplace in the developers’ marketplace. It gives you the flexibility to either hire freelancers or talk to an agency expert.
  • Cost-efficient: With that, you can make a cross-platform development rather than two separate applications for using iOS and Android.
  • Saves Time: Since you don’t have to create two separate applications for two different platforms in React Native.

Top Brands Using MERN Stack:

Source: Google images

Ending words:

I hope you didn’t take a coffee break while scrolling through this. However, that’s how we are finishing this article, where you learned about MERN and its popularity for developing start-up apps.

The app development industry has a firm belief that a good MERN stack development company will surely keep these noted and produce an excellent platform for start-up apps using this viable technology.

You have strategies to make app development for start-ups with astounding success. Hiring a MERN stack app developer who has a firm grip on the latest technologies will definitely boost your revenues.

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I am a tech enthusiast, project manager and a passionate writer with digital thinking. I write about latest technologies ie Blockchain, IoT, AI for ValueCoders.