TypeScript is the Future

Why all JavaScript developers should switch to TypeScript.

Matteo Possamai
JavaScript in Plain English


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash


JavaScript is undoubtedly one of the most popular programming languages used in web development today. It has come a long way since its inception in the early 1990s and has continued to evolve over the years.

Despite its widespread use, JavaScript has its limitations, particularly in terms of its type of system. In recent years, a new tool called TypeScript has emerged as a significant revolution in JavaScript development.

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that provides developers with more features, stronger type-checking, and better tooling. In this article, we will discuss why TypeScript is such a significant development for JavaScript and why all JavaScript developers should consider using it.

A brief history of JavaScript and TypeScript

JavaScript was created by Brendan Eich in 1995, while he was working at Netscape. The language was originally designed to be a lightweight scripting language for web pages.

However, as the web evolved, JavaScript became more powerful and began to be used for more complex applications. The language’s popularity grew significantly, and today it is one of the most widely used programming languages in the world.

TypeScript was developed by Microsoft in 2012 and released in 2014. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds optional static typing to the language.

It was designed to make JavaScript more scalable and more suitable for large-scale applications. TypeScript has quickly gained popularity and is now used by many developers and companies worldwide.

TypeScript functionalities

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, meaning that any valid JavaScript code is also valid TypeScript code. TypeScript introduces several new features and functionalities that make it a significant improvement over JavaScript. Here are some of the key features of TypeScript:

Static Typing

One of the most significant differences between TypeScript and JavaScript is that TypeScript supports static typing. This means that variables, functions, and objects can be explicitly typed, which provides better error checking and improved tooling support.

In JavaScript, variables are dynamically typed, meaning their type is determined at runtime. This can lead to bugs that are difficult to detect until runtime. With TypeScript, static typing helps to catch these types of errors early on, making the code more reliable.

Object-Oriented Programming

TypeScript also supports object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts such as classes, interfaces, and inheritance.

This allows developers to write more organized and maintainable code. In JavaScript, OOP is possible but not as well-supported as in TypeScript.

Better Tooling Support

Because TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, it can take advantage of the many tools available for JavaScript development, such as linters, debuggers, and IDEs. TypeScript also includes its own set of tools that can help developers find errors in their code and improve productivity.

Compatibility with JavaScript

Because TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, it is fully compatible with existing JavaScript code. This means that developers can gradually migrate to TypeScript without having to rewrite their entire codebase.

Advantages of TypeScript

TypeScript brings several advantages to JavaScript development that make it a significant improvement over JavaScript. Here are some of the key advantages of using TypeScript:

Stronger Type Checking

As mentioned earlier, TypeScript’s static typing provides better error checking and can help catch bugs early on. This can lead to more reliable code and reduce the number of bugs that make it to production. TypeScript’s type system also provides better tooling support, making it easier to write and maintain code.

Improved Readability

TypeScript’s static typing also makes code more readable and easier to understand. By explicitly declaring variable types, developers can quickly understand what a particular piece of code does without having to read through it in detail. This can save time and improve productivity.

Better Scalability

TypeScript’s object-oriented programming features make it easier to write large-scale applications. With TypeScript, developers can create classes and interfaces, which can be used to define reusable components.

This can make it easier to organize and maintain codebases, particularly for large projects. TypeScript’s interfaces can also be used to define APIs and ensure that code adheres to certain standards.

Improved Collaboration

TypeScript can also improve collaboration among developers by providing a common language and structure for code.

By using TypeScript, developers can more easily understand and contribute to each other’s code. TypeScript’s static typing can also help prevent conflicts and errors that can arise from differences in coding styles.

Better Tooling Support

TypeScript’s tooling support is another significant advantage. Many IDEs and text editors support TypeScript, and there are several TypeScript-specific tools available, such as the TypeScript Compiler (tsc) and the TypeScript Language Service. These tools can help developers find errors in their code and provide intelligent code completion and refactoring.

Improved Performance

TypeScript can also improve the performance of JavaScript applications. By using TypeScript’s static typing, the code can be optimized at compile-time, resulting in faster execution times. TypeScript can also catch errors early on, reducing the need for expensive debugging during runtime.

Why all JavaScript developers should use TypeScript

Given the many advantages of TypeScript, it’s clear why it’s such a significant revolution in JavaScript development. Here are some reasons why all JavaScript developers should consider using TypeScript:

Improved Reliability

By catching errors early on, TypeScript can lead to more reliable code and reduce the number of bugs that make it to production. This can save time and money and improve customer satisfaction.

Better Scalability

TypeScript’s object-oriented programming features make it easier to write large-scale applications. By defining reusable components and APIs, developers can create more organized and maintainable codebases.

Improved Collaboration

TypeScript’s common language and structure can improve collaboration among developers. By using TypeScript, developers can more easily understand and contribute to each other’s code, leading to more efficient development processes.

Improved Tooling Support

TypeScript’s tooling support can help developers find errors in their code and improve productivity. By using TypeScript-specific tools, developers can benefit from intelligent code completion and refactoring, making it easier to write and maintain code.

Improved Performance

TypeScript’s static typing can lead to faster execution times and reduced debugging needs, resulting in improved performance and reduced costs.


In conclusion, TypeScript is a significant revolution in JavaScript development. Its many features and advantages make it a valuable tool for JavaScript developers looking to improve the reliability, scalability, and maintainability of their code.

By using TypeScript, developers can write more organized and maintainable code, improve collaboration and productivity, and reduce errors and costs. For these reasons, all JavaScript developers should consider using TypeScript in their projects.

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