Rollup: CommonJS to UMD

JavaScript in Plain English
3 min readNov 4, 2020


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Whereas Webpack is great for building apps, Rollup is great for building libraries.

Rollup supports ES modules out of the box. However, to support CommonJS, the following plugins are required:



Install rollup:

$ npm install rollup

Create the entry file index.js:

$ echo "export default 'Hello, world!'" > index.js

Initialize package.json:

$ npm init --yes

Add the build script to package.json:

The script compiles index.js to dist/bundle.js.

Run the build script:

$ npm run build

To find that you got the error:

Error: You must specify "output.format", which can be one of "amd", "cjs", "system", "esm", "iife" or "umd".

Output Format

Rollup expects an output format. Here are the general guidelines:

To generate a UMD bundle with MyModuleName as the export name:

$ npx rollup index.js --file dist/bundle.js --format umd --name 'MyModuleName'

Load with script

Load the module in a browser using a <script> tag:

Load with AMD

Load the module in a browser using AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition):

Load with CommonJS

Load the module in Node.js using CommonJS:

$ node
> const MyModuleName = require('./dist/bundle');
> console.log(MyModuleName);
Hello, world!


Instead of passing the options via the CLI (command-line interface), you can specify them in the configuration file rollup.config.js.

Create the file rollup.config.js:

$ touch rollup.config.js

Add the config:

Update the build script in package.json to use the config file:

To give the config file a name other than the default, you’ll need to specify the custom file location:

$ npx rollup --config my.config.js



To use CommonJS syntax, install @rollup/plugin-commonjs:

$ npm install @rollup/plugin-commonjs

Add the plugin to the rollup config:

Now refactor index.js:

After rebuilding the bundle, loading it with script, AMD, or CommonJS should continue to work:

$ npm run build
$ open script.html
$ open amd.html
$ node -p "require('./dist/bundle')"
Hello, world!

Node Resolve

Let’s say you want to use lodash in index.js:

$ npm install lodash

In order for rollup to locate 3rd party modules in node_modules, you need to install @rollup/plugin-node-resolve:

$ npm install @rollup/plugin-node-resolve

Add the plugin to the rollup config:

Build the bundle to verify it still works:

$ npm run build
$ node -p "require('./dist/bundle')"
Hello, world!

If you want the module resolution to respect the “browser” field in package.json, you can set the option resolve({ browser: true }).


To minify your bundle with rollup v2, use terser.

Install rollup-plugin-terser:

$ npm install rollup-plugin-terser

Add the plugin to the rollup config:

Use an environment variable to determine whether you want to build a minified or unminified bundle:

Set the environment variable before you run the build command:

$ NODE_ENV=production npm run build

Alternatively, this can be done in the package.json build script:


To minify the bundle with rollup v1, use UglifyJS.

Install rollup-plugin-uglify:

$ npm install rollup-plugin-uglify

Add the plugin to the rollup config:

Now you can build an uglified bundle:

$ npm run build
$ node -p "require('./dist/bundle')"
Hello, world!


To import JSON files, install @rollup/plugin-json:

$ npm install @rollup/plugin-json

Add the plugin to the rollup config similarly to how it was done for the other plugins:


To learn more about Rollup, check out the official documentation.

