JavaScript Alpha Guide

Monads For JavaScript Developers

What is a Monad? You don’t have to be a category theory expert to understand. You have to know JavaScript Promises.

JavaScript in Plain English
5 min readFeb 7, 2021


Like every other programmer, I wanted to know, what Monads are. But every time you search for Monads on the internet, you get flooded with category theory papers. And other resources don’t seem to make much sense either.

To learn what Monads are, I did it the hard way. I started learning Haskell. Only to realize, after few months, that people make too much of a fuss of Monads. If you’re a JavaScript developer, you’re most definitely using them daily. You’re just not aware of it.

We won’t be getting into much detail about the category theory or Haskell, but there’s one thing you need to know. When you search for Monads on the internet, you cannot miss this definition:

(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

This is the definition of a bind operator in Haskell. Different languages have different names for this operation, but they all mean the same thing. Some of the alternative names are chain, bind, flatMap, then, andThen.

Monadic Context

(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m bm    :: monadic context
a, b :: value inside the context (string, number, ..)

Monadic context is just a box that implements all that is needed for that box to be a Monad. A very simple (non-monadic) box could be something like this:

const Box = val => ({ val }); 
const foo = Box("John");

This is a box—just a wrapped value. The box does not have any behavior because it does not have any methods.

For something to be a Monad, you must make it behave like a Monad yourself.

So let’s get back to the (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b. The (>>=) is used as an infix operator: m a >>= (a -> m b). and the result of the (>>=) operation is m b.

The Problem

Have you noticed that we have m a, but the function takes a as an argument? That’s what Monads are about.

The (>>=) operation is about taking a value in a monadic context m a, unwrapping it, so we get just the a and pipelining that to the function (a -> m b). And it’s not magic. You have to code that behavior yourself. We’ll see that later on.

JavaScript Promises Are Similar To Monads

Better said, they have Monad-ish behavior. For something to be a Monad, it also has to implement a Functor and Applicative interfaces. I’m mentioning this just for the sake of completeness, but we will not get any deeper into that.

JavaScript Promises implement the monadic interface with .then() method. Let’s see about that.

// p :: m a :: Promise { 42 }
const p = Promise.resolve(42);

This basically creates a box. We have a value 42, inside the Promise.
☝️ This is our m a.

Then we have a function that divides a number by two. The input is not wrapped in a Promise. But the returned function is wrapped in a Promise.

// divideByTwo :: (a -> m b)
const divideByTwo = val => Promise.resolve(val / 2);

☝️ This is our (a -> m b).

Again, notice that we have a value 42 inside a Promise, but the function divideByTwo accepts an unwrapped value. And we’re still able to chain these.

// p :: m a :: Promise { 42 }
const p = Promise.resolve(42);
// p2 :: m a :: Promise { 21 }
const p2 = p.then(divideByTwo);
// p3 :: m a :: Promise { 10.5 }
const p3 = p2.then(divideByTwo);

Or more obviously:

// p :: m a :: Promise { 10.5 }
const p4 = p.then(divideByTwo).then(divideByTwo);

This is the most important feature of Monads.

You have a value in a box — Promise { 42 }. You have a function that takes the unwrapped value — 42. The types don’t match — m a vs. a. And you’re still able to apply the function to the boxed value.

How Is That Possible

Because the Promise implements the then method to work that way. Most of the time, the code running inside a Promise is asynchronous. But the Promise’s monad-ish behavior makes it possible for chaining a sequence of functions anyway.

Monads abstract away auxiliary data management, control flow, or side-effects. Turning a possibly complicated sequence of functions into a succinct pipeline.

Custom Monad-ish Class

I put together a very simple example of a monad-ish class in TypeScript. It does not perform any side-effect but allows for the chaining of functions.

class Dummy<T> {
constructor(private val: T) {}
chain<TResult>(fn: (value: T) => Dummy<TResult>): Dummy<TResult> {
return fn(this.val);
static unit<T>(val: T): Dummy<T> {
return new Dummy(val);
const d = new Dummy(41);
d.chain(val => new Dummy(val + 1))
.chain(val => new Dummy("The answer is: " + val));

Monad Laws

There’re some laws that a class with Monad behavior must follow.

  • left identity
  • right identity
  • associativity

You can read more about these on the internet. I’ll drop here a snippet of code proving that the Dummy class follows these rules.

const m = Dummy.unit(1);
const f = (val: number) => new Dummy(val + 1);
const g = (val: number) => new Dummy(val + 2);
// 1. left identity
Dummy.unit(1).chain(f) ==== f(1)
// 2. right identity
m.chain(Dummy.unit) ==== m
// 3. associativity
const m1 = Dummy.unit(1);
m.chain(f).chain(g) ==== m.chain(val => f(val).chain(g)

== or === won’t work here; the object references are different. For that purpose, I’m using ==== that does not exist, but understand it as comparing the inner value of the monad-ish object.

Wrapping up

I hope this sheds some light on what Monads are. If you’re a JavaScript developer, you’re using them daily. Feeding a value boxed in a Promise to a function expecting the unwrapped value. And returning a new value wrapped in the Promise again.


