Learn to Integrate Firebase Authentication with Your Nuxt.js Project

JavaScript in Plain English
7 min readDec 2, 2021


Photo by Emile Perron on Unsplash

In this guide, you are going to learn about how to use Google’s Firebase authentication service in your Nuxt.js app.

After this article, you will be able to create or authenticate users with email and passwords in your app.

So, if you want to — or are thinking of trying to — use Firebase authentication in one of your Nuxt.js projects, you will love this article.

Requirements for authenticating with Firebase in Nuxt.js

  • Node.js installed version (14.x or above) with yarn/npm package manager
  • Code editor — I prefer Visual Studio Code
  • Google account — we need this to use Firebase
  • Basic knowledge of Nuxt.js — I won’t recommend this tutorial for complete beginners in Nuxt.js.

If you face any issues throughout the tutorial, you can refer to the code in the GitHub repository.

What is Firebase Authentication?

Firebase is a platform developed by Google. Firebase is a Backend as a Service (BaaS) that provides a variety of services for web and mobile app development.

Such as:

  • User authentication
  • Scalable databases
  • Cloud messaging
  • Cloud code functions
  • Social media Integration
  • File storage

and so much more.

And Firebase Authentication is one of those services of Firebase which allows you to implement authentication in your web app easily and thus improve the security of your web app.

Now let’s start:

First of all, we’ll set up our Firebase project. To do that go to firebase.google.com and login in with our Google account.

Click on create a project, enter any name, accept the terms and click on continue.

After that untick Enable Google Analytics for this project (Because we don’t need google analytics for our project) and click on create project.

Wait for a few seconds for it to finish up and then click on continue.


Now from the dashboard, click on this icon (marked below) to create an app for the web.

Now type any name for your web app and click on Register app.

Now you will be presented with this screen, where you can see your API key and other personal information, make sure to keep it private.

Here you need to copy these 6 things and save them in a notepad or something because you are going to use them in the future.

apiKey: '<apiKey>', authDomain: '<authDomain>', projectId: '<projectId>', storageBucket: '<storageBucket>', messagingSenderId: '<messagingSenderId>', appId: '<appId>', measurementId: '<measurementId>'

After saving these details, click on continue to console.

Now we have created the app in firebase, we are going to use Firebase Authentication service with email and password.

Click on Build and then click on the Authentication tab.

Now click on get started.

Here click on Email/password.

Enable the top one and click one save.

That’s it, now we are done with the Firebase part. Now let’s create a Nuxt.js project.

Open your VS Code editor and in the terminal, type the below command and hit enter. It will create a Nuxt.js project with the name nuxt-auth”.

yarn create nuxt-app nuxt-auth

There will be a few configurations you need to select when creating the project, we will use some stuff along with Nuxt.js, so here are the configurations we need:

Note: Press space to select Node.js modules.

After that, we need to install a Firebase in our project as well. To do that, type the below command and hit enter.

yarn add firebase

And then install this Nuxt module as well by typing the below command and hitting enter.

yarn add @nuxtjs/firebase

After the successful installation, go to your Nuxt.js project by typing cd nuxt-auth command and press enter, and then type yarn dev and hit enter to run the server.

This should fire up your browser and you should see the following screen:

Let’s clean up a little bit so that we can continue coding. In the Components folder, delete NuxtLogo.vue and Tutorial.vue. Once you delete these files, remove the Tutorial component from index.vue, your index.vue file will look like this:

<template> </template> <script> 
export default {}

Now go to your nuxt.config.js file and

Replace this

modules: [ // https://go.nuxtjs.dev/axios '@nuxtjs/axios' ],

To this:

modules: [
// https://go.nuxtjs.dev/axios
config: {
apiKey: '<apiKey>',
authDomain: '<authDomain>',
projectId: '<projectId>',
storageBucket: '<storageBucket>',
messagingSenderId: '<messagingSenderId>',
appId: '<appId>',
measurementId: '<measurementId>'
services: {
auth: true // Just as example. Can be any other service.

Remember when I told you to copy those Firebase API keys and other personal information? Now you need to paste that information here.

We have now connected Nuxt.js to firebase. We can now use firebase authentication on our pages.

Creating a signup page in Nuxt.js

First, we’ll create a sign-up feature that will let users sign up in our app with their email and password. And after that, we will redirect them to another page

Let’s start by making a simple sign-up HTML page in index.vue, and model the email and password input fields with an email and password variable so we can extract the data and then create a register button that will run a function called “createUser” when pressed.

The whole code will look like this:

In the scripts section, We declared two variables, email, and password which will model the data from those input fields we created above.

Then we will make a function named createUser() which will call our auth instance from firebase which has a “ createUserWithEmailAndPassword “ method, this takes an email and password as arguments to create a new user object in Firebase.

After this, we are just going to redirect the users to another page, name aftersignup.

Now let’s create a page name aftersignup which we will show up after the registration of the user.

First, create a file name aftersignup.vue in your pages folder, And show whatever you want to show the user after the registration, for example :

The whole signup page will look like this:

And after the registration, it will look like this:

Now that we have created the signup page with the firebase authentication service, let’s make a login page.

Creating a Login page in Nuxt.js

First, we’ll create a login feature that will let users Sign in to our app with their email and password. And after the successful login, we will redirect them to another page.

First, make a file name login.vue in the pages folder.

then start making a simple login HTML page in login.vue, and model the email and password input fields with an email and password variable like we did in the registration page, and then create a login button that will run a function called “ loginUser “ when pressed.

The whole code will look like this:

Here we made a function named loginUser() which will call our auth instance from firebase which has a signInWithEmailAndPasswordmethod, this takes an email and password as arguments to Sign in.

After this, we are just going to redirect the users to another page, name afterlogin.

Now let’s create a page name afterlogin which we will show up after the successful login of the user.

First, create a file name afterlogin.vuein your pages folder, And then show whatever you want to show the user after the login, for example :

The whole login page will look like this:

And after the registration, it will look like this:

Lastly, run the below command to run the server to see all the changes.

And the app should be working fine.

Once you’re done with this build, You can try adding different authentication systems such as google authentication, Facebook authentication, etc, keep experimenting with the code.

If you have any errors or questions regarding the code, here’s the GitHub repository you can use for reference.

Originally published at https://windowsground.com.

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