JavaScript Eval(): Is It Evil?

JavaScript in Plain English
3 min readJun 24, 2023


Since its inception, JavaScript’s eval() function has been a topic of contentious debate among developers. Known for its ability to evaluate a string as JavaScript code, eval() has been touted as both a powerful tool and a dangerous security risk. But is it really the embodiment of evil in JavaScript, as some developers suggest?

Let’s dive into what eval() is, how it works, and discuss the reasons for and against using it in your projects.

Understanding eval()

Example 1: Simple Arithmetic

Consider this simple example:

let x = 2;
let y = 3;
console.log(eval("x + y")); // Outputs 5

In this case, the string “x + y” is evaluated as JavaScript code, where x and y are variables in the current scope. The eval() function then returns the result of the expression.

Example 2: Dynamic JavaScript Code Execution

Consider a more complex use case:

let operator = "+";
let x = 10;
let y = 20;

let operation = `x ${operator} y`;
console.log(eval(operation)); // Outputs 30

operator = "*";
operation = `x ${operator} y`;
console.log(eval(operation)); // Outputs 200

Here, we use eval() to perform dynamic operations based on the string we have. The string operation is created using the variables x, y, and operator. By changing the operator, we can perform different mathematical operations using the same eval() function.

While this example illustrates the power of eval(), it's essential to remember that it also exposes the potential risks. If the operator variable was in any way influenced by user input, it could open up significant security risks, allowing a user to execute arbitrary JavaScript code. As such, it's crucial to sanitize any user input and avoid using eval() wherever possible.

The Devil is in the Details

Security Risks

Using eval() can expose your code to significant security risks. It runs with the same privileges as the caller, meaning that if a malicious party could manipulate the input string, they could execute arbitrary code with the same permissions as your webpage or extension.

Moreover, when used directly, eval() has access to the scope it was invoked in. This could potentially lead to attacks that read or modify local variables, opening up your code to security vulnerabilities.

Performance Concerns

Performance is another major concern with eval(). It is generally slower than its alternatives due to the overhead of invoking the JavaScript interpreter. Modern JavaScript engines optimize JavaScript code by converting it into machine code, obliterating any concept of variable naming. eval(), however, forces the browser to perform expensive variable name lookups to determine the variable's location in the machine code.

Also, any new assignments to the evaluated variable, such as changing its type, can force the browser to reevaluate all the generated machine code, which could severely impact performance.

Obstacles to Optimization

eval() also present a challenge for minification and optimization tools. If the scope is transitively depended on by eval(), minifiers abandon any minification because it could prevent eval() from correctly accessing variables at runtime.

Alternatives to eval()

Given the concerns over security and performance, it’s generally recommended to avoid eval() wherever possible. There are often safer and more efficient alternatives available. For example, instead of using eval() to parse JSON, you can use JSON.parse(). To dynamically create a function, you can use the new Function() syntax.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, is eval() evil? While it's not inherently malevolent, it can open doors to potential security vulnerabilities and performance issues that might jeopardize your project. As such, it's often best avoided, especially when more secure and efficient alternatives are available.

Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. While eval() is undoubtedly a powerful tool, its use must be carefully considered and monitored to ensure the security and efficiency of your code. As of 2023, the same principles and concerns regarding eval() continue to hold true. Stay cautious, stay secure!

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