How To Improve Your Productivity As A Developer And Some Tools For It

Harsh Sheth
JavaScript in Plain English
4 min readDec 24, 2021


If you are striving to improve the productivity of developers, there are a few strategies you and your team can use. Below are a few to start with.

Minimize distractions and do more work

Although obviously, this can be difficult to achieve. Permanent notifications, open workplaces, and limited attention all contribute to reduced productivity. Likewise, avoid attempts to do too much. If you try to do too many tasks at once it ends up taking too long to complete all the tasks and you are more likely to make mistakes.

Configure Your Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

Customize your tool to improve developer productivity, without damaging it. Many IDEs come with features that auto-complete, highlight, and analyze real-time code. Use these features to help you plan and produce high-quality code quickly, and to learn from mistakes in real-time.

You should also consider using captions for common tasks or code blocks. Captions allow you to quickly add code, eliminating the need to rename a wheel.

Clearly explain the details of the project

Detailed information reduces tensions between team members and enables you to get started quickly. Clear specifications can also help to ensure that the tests are effective and efficient.

Remove unnecessary tests

In today’s older groups, engineers are responsible for testing and typically spend 50% or more of their time on repair-related work. An important way to improve the productivity of an engineer is to review and improve this repair work. Do engineers spend their time on the most important tests? Does anyone create useless tests or overlap with existing tests? Do teams keep tests that are no longer really needed? Answering these questions can save valuable hours in the developer's schedules.

Productivity Tools for Developers

First and a very obvious one,

VS Code(Visual Studio Code)

VS Code is a text editor you can use for code, markup, and documentation. It includes features for multiple selections, definition indexing, split editing, and customization. You can extend VS Code through custom extensions & there are plenty of them at least one for each language.


Habitica is a productivity tool you can use to gamify habit creation. It is set up like an old-school role-playing game and includes characters that you can level up and outfit with experience earned through finishing tasks or goals. Habitica supports daily, weekly, and long-term habits, goals, and project lists. You can use it via a web browser or mobile app.


ProofHub is a tool you can use to manage to-do lists and collaborate on projects. It includes features for kanban boards, custom workflows, reporting, project management, tasks, and custom roles. You can use ProofHub to share and proof documents, host online discussions, and log work. ProofHub is a software as a service offering that you can access via browser or mobile app.


Codeanywhere is another code editing tool you can use. Unlike Sublime Text, however, this tool is designed to support real-time collaboration on your codebase. It includes features for customization of layouts and colors, linting, code completion, change comparisons, pre-built container environments, and a terminal console.

Codeanywhere supports 75 languages, including Python, Ruby, JS, and C++. You can integrate it with a variety of tools, including GitHub and Dropbox. You can use Codeanywhere on the web or via a mobile app.

Well, that’s it for now, thank you for your time!

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I am a full stack developer 👨‍💻/Gamer 🎮who loves to follow geopolitics 🌏.