GraphQL Subscriptions in NestJS with Apache Kafka, and MongoDB

Sahan Kodituwakku
JavaScript in Plain English
11 min readMar 12, 2024


Let’s see how to implement GraphQL subscription feature inside a NestJS application backed with a Apache Kafka Publish/Subscribe, a MongoDB database and a Apollo GraphQL Server.

GraphQL subscriptions are a way to push data from the server to the clients that choose to listen to real time messages from the server. Subscriptions are similar to queries in that they specify a set of fields to be delivered to the client, but instead of immediately returning a single answer, a channel is opened and a result is sent to the client every time a particular event happens on the server.

adapted from GraphQL + TypeScript — Subscriptions | NestJS — A progressive Node.js framework

Note: Production apps should use a PubSub implementation backed by an external store. In this case, we use Apache Kafka with Kafkajs.

First let’s install the Nest CLI and then crate a new NestJS project. I am using pnpm as the package manager for this project.

npm i -g @nestjs/cli
nest new graphql-pubsub-kafka

Now let’s install all the dependencies and dev dependencies for this project. Run the following command to install all the dependencies.

pnpm i --save @apollo/server @nestjs/apollo @nestjs/config @nestjs/graphql @nestjs/mongoose class-transformer class-validator graphql graphql-kafkajs-subscriptions graphql-subscriptions graphql-ws kafkajs mongoose

In order for the subscriptions to work, we have to add the following to the tsconfig.json file.

"compilerOptions": {
"lib": ["ESNext.AsyncIterable", "DOM"]


First, modify the main.ts file as follows. This way we can clearly see, where the nestjs server, graphql server and the web socket for graphql subscriptions is listening.

import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/core';
import { AppModule } from './app.module';

async function bootstrap() {
const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);

const port = 4000;
const url = `localhost:${port}`;

await app.listen(port);

console.log(`🚀 Server ready at: http://${url}`);
console.log(`🚀 GraphQL API ready at: http://${url}/graphql`);
console.log(`🚀 GraphQL subscriptions ready at: ws://${url}/graphql`);


Create a file src/config/configuration.ts to load the configurations needed for GraphQL and Mongoose modules. This way is better, as it enables to use environment variables.

export default () => ({
port: parseInt(process.env.PORT, 10) || 4000,
database: {
url: process.env.DATABASE_URL || "mongodb://localhost:27017"

In the app.module.ts file, let’s configure the Moongoose and GraphQL modules.

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { AppController } from './app.controller';
import { AppService } from './app.service';
import { MongooseModule } from '@nestjs/mongoose';
import { ApolloDriverConfig, ApolloDriver } from '@nestjs/apollo';
import { GraphQLModule } from '@nestjs/graphql';
import { join } from 'path';

imports: [
useFactory: async () => ({
uri: 'mongodb://localhost:27017', // add your database uri here

driver: ApolloDriver,
playground: true,
autoSchemaFile: join(process.cwd(), 'src/graphql/schema.gql'),
subscriptions: {
'graphql-ws': true, // this enables graphql subscriptions
include: [] // here we need to include relevent modules with entities that we need to consider for the graphql schema
controllers: [AppController],
providers: [AppService],
export class AppModule {}

Make sure to create the src/graphql/schema.gql file. This is needed for the GraphQL module as it will be used to save the generated schema.

At this point if we try to start the server using pnpm start:dev we see an error as follows. This is because, in code-first approach, graphql requires at least one query to start the schema generation.

[8:19:23 PM] Starting compilation in watch mode...

[8:19:26 PM] Found 0 errors. Watching for file changes.

[Nest] 28216 - 03/12/2024, 8:19:27 PM LOG [NestFactory] Starting Nest application...
[Nest] 28216 - 03/12/2024, 8:19:27 PM LOG [InstanceLoader] MongooseModule dependencies initialized +14ms
[Nest] 28216 - 03/12/2024, 8:19:27 PM LOG [InstanceLoader] ConfigHostModule dependencies initialized +1ms
[Nest] 28216 - 03/12/2024, 8:19:27 PM LOG [InstanceLoader] AppModule dependencies initialized +0ms
[Nest] 28216 - 03/12/2024, 8:19:27 PM LOG [InstanceLoader] ConfigModule dependencies initialized +0ms
[Nest] 28216 - 03/12/2024, 8:19:27 PM LOG [InstanceLoader] ConfigModule dependencies initialized +0ms
[Nest] 28216 - 03/12/2024, 8:19:27 PM LOG [InstanceLoader] GraphQLSchemaBuilderModule dependencies initialized +10ms
[Nest] 28216 - 03/12/2024, 8:19:27 PM LOG [InstanceLoader] GraphQLModule dependencies initialized +0ms
[Nest] 28216 - 03/12/2024, 8:19:28 PM LOG [InstanceLoader] MongooseCoreModule dependencies initialized +1572ms
[Nest] 28216 - 03/12/2024, 8:19:28 PM LOG [RoutesResolver] AppController {/}: +11ms
[Nest] 28216 - 03/12/2024, 8:19:28 PM LOG [RouterExplorer] Mapped {/, GET} route +2ms
GraphQLError: Query root type must be provided.

GraphQL an MongoDB Schema

Let’s create a post entity before we begin with the subscription implementation. Using the nest cli, we can generate the modules, services and resolvers for this entity.

nest g mo post
nest g s post
nest g r post

We will also have to manually create the rest of the dto and entity files as follows. These are required for graphql resolvers and schema generation.

Create the post.ts which defines the structure of the entity, graphql object type and the mongodb schema.

import { Field, ID, ObjectType } from "@nestjs/graphql";
import { Prop, Schema, SchemaFactory } from "@nestjs/mongoose";
import { Document, Types } from "mongoose";

@Schema({ timestamps: true })
export class Post extends Document {
@Field(() => ID)
@Prop({ default: () => new Types.ObjectId() })
_id: Types.ObjectId;

@Field(() => Date)
createdAt: Date;

@Field(() => Date)
updatedAt: Date;

@Field(() => Date, { nullable: true })
deletedAt?: Date;

title: string;

@Field({ nullable: true })
description?: string;

export const PostSchema = SchemaFactory.createForClass(Post);

The post.create.ts , post.update.ts , post.filter.ts files will define the graphql input types for the resolvers.

// post.create.ts
import { InputType, Field } from '@nestjs/graphql';

export class CreatePostInput {
title: string;

@Field({ nullable: true })
description?: string;
// post.update.ts
import { InputType, Field } from '@nestjs/graphql';

export class UpdatePostInput {
@Field({ nullable: true })
title?: string;

@Field({ nullable: true })
description?: string;
// post.filter.ts
import { InputType, Field } from '@nestjs/graphql';

export class FilterPostInput {
@Field({ nullable: true })
title?: string;

@Field({ nullable: true })
description?: string;

The post.service.ts file defines the logic for the crud operations for the post entity,

import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Model } from 'mongoose';
import { InjectModel } from '@nestjs/mongoose';
import { Post } from './post';

export class PostService {
private model: Model<Post>,
) {}

async getTotalCount(filters: Record<string, any>): Promise<number> {
const totalCount = await this.model.countDocuments(filters).exec();
return totalCount;

async findOneById(id: string): Promise<Post | null> {
if (id) {
return this.model.findById(id).exec();
return null;

async findAll(
pageNumber: number,
pageSize: number,
filters: Record<string, any>,
): Promise<Post[] | null> {
const skipCount = (pageNumber - 1) * pageSize;

return this.model

async create(input: Partial<Post>): Promise<Post> {
const created = new this.model(input);

async update(id: string, input: Partial<Post>): Promise<Post | null> {
const existing = await this.model.findById(id).exec();

if (!existing) {
// Handle the case where the input with the given ID is not found
return null;

return this.model.findByIdAndUpdate(id, input, { new: true }).exec();

async delete(id: string, softDelete: boolean = false): Promise<Post | null> {
if (softDelete) {
// Soft delete by marking as deleted (assuming 'deletedAt' field exists in the schema)
return this.model
.findByIdAndUpdate(id, { deletedAt: new Date() }, { new: true })
} else {
// Hard delete
return this.model.findByIdAndDelete(id).exec();

and here’s the post.resolver.ts file.

import {
} from '@nestjs/graphql';
import { Post } from './post';
import { PostService } from './post.service';
import { FilterPostInput } from './post.filter';
import { CreatePostInput } from './post.create';
import { UpdatePostInput } from './post.update';

@Resolver(() => Post)
export class PostResolver {
private postService: PostService,
) {}

@Query(() => Int)
async totalPostCount(
@Parent() posts: Post[],
@Args('filters', { type: () => FilterPostInput, nullable: true })
filters?: FilterPostInput,
): Promise<number> {
const totalCount = await this.postService.getTotalCount(filters);
return totalCount;

@Query(() => Post)
async post(@Args('id') id: string): Promise<Post | null> {
return this.postService.findOneById(id);

@Query(() => [Post])
async posts(
@Args('pageNumber', { type: () => Int }) pageNumber: number,
@Args('pageSize', { type: () => Int }) pageSize: number,
@Args('filters', { type: () => FilterPostInput, nullable: true })
filters?: any,
): Promise<Post[] | null> {
return this.postService.findAll(pageNumber, pageSize, filters);

@Mutation(() => Post)
async createPost(
@Args('post') post: CreatePostInput,
): Promise<Post> {
return this.postService.create(post);

@Mutation(() => Post)
async updatePost(
@Args('id') id: string,
@Args('post') post: UpdatePostInput,
): Promise<Post | null> {
return this.postService.update(id, post);

@Mutation(() => Post)
async deletePost(
@Args('id') id: string,
@Args('softDelete', { nullable: true, defaultValue: false })
softDelete: boolean,
): Promise<Post | null> {
return this.postService.delete(id, softDelete);

Now to connect all the resolvers and services, we have to modify the post.module.ts file as follows,

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { MongooseModule } from '@nestjs/mongoose';
import { Post, PostSchema } from './post';
import { PostResolver } from './post.resolver';
import { PostService } from './post.service';

imports: [
schema: PostSchema
providers: [PostResolver, PostService],
exports: [PostService],
export class PostModule { }

and add it to the app.module.ts file.

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { AppController } from './app.controller';
import { AppService } from './app.service';
import { ApolloDriverConfig, ApolloDriver } from '@nestjs/apollo';
import { GraphQLModule } from '@nestjs/graphql';
import { MongooseModule } from '@nestjs/mongoose';
import { ConfigModule, ConfigService } from '@nestjs/config';
import configuration from './config/configuration';
import { join } from 'path';
import { PostModule } from './post/post.module'; // import the post module

imports: [
load: [configuration]

MongooseModule.forRootAsync({ // config }),

// other config
include: [PostModule] // add the post module into the 'include' for schema generation

PostModule, // add the post module into the imports
controllers: [AppController],
providers: [AppService],
export class AppModule { }

Now, when we run the sever, we can se the following output.

[8:41:57 PM] File change detected. Starting incremental compilation...

[8:41:57 PM] Found 0 errors. Watching for file changes.

[Nest] 3684 - 03/12/2024, 8:41:58 PM LOG [NestFactory] Starting Nest application...
[Nest] 3684 - 03/12/2024, 8:41:58 PM LOG [InstanceLoader] MongooseModule dependencies initialized +13ms
[Nest] 3684 - 03/12/2024, 8:41:58 PM LOG [InstanceLoader] ConfigHostModule dependencies initialized +1ms
[Nest] 3684 - 03/12/2024, 8:41:58 PM LOG [InstanceLoader] AppModule dependencies initialized +0ms
[Nest] 3684 - 03/12/2024, 8:41:58 PM LOG [InstanceLoader] ConfigModule dependencies initialized +2ms
[Nest] 3684 - 03/12/2024, 8:41:58 PM LOG [InstanceLoader] ConfigModule dependencies initialized +0ms
[Nest] 3684 - 03/12/2024, 8:41:58 PM LOG [InstanceLoader] GraphQLSchemaBuilderModule dependencies initialized +9ms
[Nest] 3684 - 03/12/2024, 8:41:58 PM LOG [InstanceLoader] GraphQLModule dependencies initialized +1ms
[Nest] 3684 - 03/12/2024, 8:42:00 PM LOG [InstanceLoader] MongooseCoreModule dependencies initialized +1789ms
[Nest] 3684 - 03/12/2024, 8:42:00 PM LOG [InstanceLoader] MongooseModule dependencies initialized +5ms
[Nest] 3684 - 03/12/2024, 8:42:00 PM LOG [InstanceLoader] PostModule dependencies initialized +0ms
[Nest] 3684 - 03/12/2024, 8:42:00 PM LOG [RoutesResolver] AppController {/}: +12ms
[Nest] 3684 - 03/12/2024, 8:42:00 PM LOG [RouterExplorer] Mapped {/, GET} route +1ms
[Nest] 3684 - 03/12/2024, 8:42:00 PM LOG [GraphQLModule] Mapped {/graphql, POST} route +70ms
[Nest] 3684 - 03/12/2024, 8:42:00 PM LOG [NestApplication] Nest application successfully started +1ms
🚀 Server ready at: http://localhost:4000
🚀 GraphQL API ready at: http://localhost:4000/graphql
🚀 GraphQL subscriptions ready at: ws://localhost:4000/graphql

The generated graphql schema will look like this.

# ------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------

type Post {
_id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
deletedAt: DateTime
title: String!
description: String

A date-time string at UTC, such as 2019-12-03T09:54:33Z, compliant with the date-time format.
scalar DateTime

type Query {
totalEmployeesCount(filters: FilterPostInput): Int!
employee(id: String!): Post!

"""Get all employees"""
employees(pageNumber: Int!, pageSize: Int!, filters: FilterPostInput): [Post!]!

input FilterPostInput {
title: String
description: String

type Mutation {
createEmployee(employee: CreatePostInput!): Post!
updateEmployee(id: String!, employee: UpdatePostInput!): Post!
deleteEmployee(id: String!, softDelete: Boolean = false): Post!

input CreatePostInput {
title: String!
description: String

input UpdatePostInput {
title: String
description: String

You will also see a new collection called posts in your mongodb database.


Now we are ready to implement GraphQL subscriptions!

First we need to start an Apache Kafka server. You can use either zookeeper, kraft or docker. I will be using docker for this project. Feel free to refer to this Apache Kafka guide for more information.

docker pull apache/kafka:3.7.0
docker run -p 9092:9092 apache/kafka:3.7.0

Once the Kafka server has successfully launched, you will have a basic Kafka environment running and ready to use.

Create a new pubsub.module.ts using the nest cli.

nest g mo pubsub

Create a kafka.pubsub.service.ts file inside the src/pubsub/ folder.

import { Injectable, OnModuleInit } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Kafka, logLevel } from 'kafkajs';
import { KafkaPubSub } from 'graphql-kafkajs-subscriptions';

export class KafkaPubSubService implements OnModuleInit {
private pubsub: KafkaPubSub;

constructor() {}

async onModuleInit() {
await this.initializePubSub();

private async initializePubSub(): Promise<void> {
const kafka = new Kafka({
logLevel: logLevel.ERROR,
clientId: 'ngk', // this doesn't matter. feel free to have any unqiue name
brokers: ['localhost:9092'], // add your kafka broker uri with the correct port
connectionTimeout: 25000,
retry: {
retries: 3,
maxRetryTime: 3000,

this.pubsub = await KafkaPubSub.create({
topic: 'ngk-event',
groupIdPrefix: 'ngk-group',

getPubSub(): KafkaPubSub {
if (!this.pubsub) {
throw new Error('PubSub is not initialized');
return this.pubsub;

Modify the pubsub.module.ts file as follows and expose the kafka pubsub service.

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { KafkaPubSubService } from './kafka.pubsub.service';

providers: [KafkaPubSubService],
exports: [KafkaPubSubService]
export class PubsubModule {}

To use the pubsubmodule with the post module, we have to import it as follows.

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { MongooseModule } from '@nestjs/mongoose';
import { Post, PostSchema } from './post';
import { PostResolver } from './post.resolver';
import { PostService } from './post.service';
import { PubsubModule } from 'src/pubsub/pubsub.module'; // import the file

imports: [
PubsubModule, // add this line

schema: PostSchema
providers: [PostResolver, PostService],
exports: [PostService],
export class PostModule { }

To subscribe, we need to publish a message. In the createPost resolver in post.resolver.ts, use the kafka pubsub we created and publish the newly created post to a channel.

  @Mutation(() => Post)
async createPost(@Args('post') post: CreatePostInput): Promise<Post> {
const created = await this.postService.create(post);

await this.pubsubService.getPubSub().publish(
'postCreated', // channel / topic
postCreated: created,
}), // when publishing the message, the payload must first be serialized.

return created;

To listen to the published message, we need a subscription. Create a subscription as follows in the same file. (This is only for demonstration. In real world scenario, we would have something like, creating a post, publishing it to a channel/group, and all the users will get a notification about the newly created post . To implement something similar, we need to create a user entity along with the relevant resolvers, services, input types. The @Subscription will be defined inside the user.resolver.ts)

  @Subscription(() => Post, {
resolve(payload, args, context, info) {
// Convert the Buffer to a string and parse the JSON
const jsonString = payload?.value?.toString('utf-8');
const parsedPayload = JSON.parse(jsonString);
const postCreated = parsedPayload?.postCreated;

if (postCreated) {
postCreated.createdAt = new Date(postCreated.createdAt);
postCreated.updatedAt = new Date(postCreated.updatedAt);

return postCreated;
async postCreated() {
return this.pubsubService

Let’s see it in Action!

I’m using Altair GraphQL Client to test the subscriptions. Feel free to use the GraphQL playground or any other preferred way.

Start the server using pnpm start:dev

Open the GraphQL client and open tabs: one for the createPost mutation and the other for the postCreated subscription. Execute the mutation and see the subscription tab. Note how you instantly get a notification about the newly created post.

mutation (see the push notification on the bottom-right, that we get after executing the mutation)

This is how you implement a GraphQL subscription backed with Apache Kafka in NestJS. To learn more about how to filter, or resolve the subscriptions, check the official docs in GraphQL + TypeScript — Subscriptions | NestJS — A progressive Node.js framework

You can download the source code from this GitHub repo.

In Plain English 🚀

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