Build A ToDo App Using GraphQL And Node.js

Part 1: Implementing A Backend Service

Prathamesh More
JavaScript in Plain English


Let’s build a ToDo MERN app using GraphQL and Node.js, In this part, we will implement a backend service.

Photo by Elise Bouet on Unsplash


In this article, we will create a backend service with GraphQL i.e Apollo Server and MongoDB database.

We will be using the MongoDB database so make sure you install it locally or you can use free cloud service from MongoDB.

By creating this App, you will learn

  • How to design GraphQL schema.
  • How to design Queries and Mutations.
  • How to build a CRUD app using GraphQL API.

Initial Setup

Create a new project using npm

npm init -y

This command will set the default value in package.json

Once the project is created, install the necessary dependencies

npm i apollo-server mongoose graphql dotenv

Creating Initial Files

Create a new file with the name server.js in the root directory of the project.

Don’t forget to add .env file too.

Root Directory Structure

In this file, we are setting up our server. For now, we using dummy data for testing purposes.

Here, we defined GraphQL Schema and resolvers.

Every GraphQL server uses a schema to define the structure of data that clients can query.

Resolvers tell the GraphQL Server to fetch data associated with a particular type.

Note: Currently we using a dummy schema.

Apollo Server running for testing

Let’s run and check, to run this file node server.js

Setting up the database

Here process.env.DATABASE_URL holds actual database server address in .env the file.


Design Mongoose Model

Mongoose Model

Design GraphQL schema for ToDo

GraphQL schema

A type defines the queriable fields for every ToDo in our database and input defines the input structure for the data.

Mutation types define the entry point for a write operation.

GraphQL supports scalar type out of the box: ID , String , Boolean , Int and Float .

Queries and Mutation accept arguments of type scalar and custom.

Create resolvers


Resolvers will accept arguments from the client.

Running app

Run app using node server.js

As you can see here. Documentation created for you in IDE.

GraphQL Server running



Passionate, Self-taught Full Stack Web Developer that loves designing and building modern websites, applications, and APIs.