Grokking Modern Behavioral Interview

Acing Behavioral Questions in Tech Interviews: Tips and Techniques

Understanding the Importance of Behavioral Questions in Tech Interviews.

Arslan Ahmad
JavaScript in Plain English
8 min readApr 18, 2023


Grokking Modern Behavioral Interview

Behavioral interviews have become a critical aspect of the hiring process for software engineering roles. While technical prowess and problem-solving skills are essential, hiring managers are increasingly focusing on candidates’ interpersonal skills and ability to thrive in a team-oriented environment. Behavioral questions, which assess communication, teamwork, problem-solving, adaptability, and other non-technical skills, play a significant role in determining whether a candidate is a good fit for the company culture and job responsibilities.

A well-rounded approach to tech interviews is crucial to succeed in today’s competitive job market. Candidates who excel in technical areas but struggle to communicate their thoughts or work effectively with others may find it challenging to secure job offers from top tech companies. On the other hand, candidates who can demonstrate strong interpersonal skills, along with their technical expertise, are more likely to stand out and make a lasting impression on interviewers.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of behavioral questions in tech interviews and provide guidance on how to prepare and answer these questions effectively. We’ll discuss the types of behavioral questions you may encounter, strategies for answering them using the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method, tips for preparing for these questions, and advice on body language and communication during the interview. By understanding the purpose of behavioral questions and investing time in refining your interpersonal skills, you can ensure a more comprehensive and impressive performance in tech interviews.

Check Grokking Modern Behavioral Interview for a comprehensive list of behavioral questions and answers.

Types of Behavioral Questions

Behavioral questions in tech interviews aim to assess various aspects of a candidate’s interpersonal skills and ability to handle different workplace scenarios. These questions generally focus on past experiences and actions to understand how a candidate might perform in future situations. Here, we’ll explore common types of behavioral questions and provide examples for each category.

1. Teamwork and Collaboration

These questions evaluate your ability to work effectively within a team, cooperate with colleagues, and contribute to a positive work environment. Example: “Can you share an experience where you had to collaborate with a team member who had a different work style or opinion?”

2. Conflict Resolution

Interviewers use these questions to understand your approach to resolving disagreements or conflicts with coworkers and maintaining a healthy work environment. Example: “Describe a situation where you faced a conflict with a colleague. How did you handle it?”

3. Decision-making and Problem-solving

These questions assess your ability to analyze situations, make informed decisions, and solve problems efficiently. Example: “Tell me about a time when you had to make a tough decision at work. What was the situation, and how did you arrive at your decision?”

4. Leadership and Initiative

Leadership questions focus on your ability to lead, motivate, and guide others while taking the initiative to drive projects or improvements. Example: “Can you share an instance where you had to take the lead on a project? How did you motivate your team to achieve the desired outcome?”

5. Adaptability and Learning from Experience

These questions evaluate your ability to adapt to new situations, learn from past experiences, and grow professionally. Example: “Describe a situation where you faced a significant challenge at work. How did you adapt, and what did you learn from the experience?”

By understanding the types of behavioral questions and reflecting on your experiences, you can prepare more effectively for tech interviews and demonstrate your interpersonal skills to potential employers.

Strategies for Answering Behavioral Questions

Effectively answering behavioral questions in tech interviews requires structured thinking, clear communication, and a focus on the key aspects of the situation. One widely used technique for answering these questions is the STAR method, which stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. In this section, we’ll discuss how to use the STAR method and provide additional tips to help you answer behavioral questions effectively.

1. The STAR Method

  • Situation: Begin your answer by setting the context and briefly describing the situation or challenge you faced. This should include any relevant background information to help the interviewer understand the context of your experience.
STAR method
  • Task: Explain your specific role in the situation, including your responsibilities and objectives. This helps to clarify what was expected of you and the goals you were working towards.
  • Action: Detail the steps you took to address the situation or task, focusing on your actions and decisions. Be specific about your thought process, the challenges you faced, and any collaboration or teamwork involved.
  • Result: Conclude your answer by describing the outcome of your actions and their impact on the situation. Highlight any lessons learned, positive feedback received, or improvements made as a result of your actions.

Using the STAR method ensures a structured response that covers all essential aspects of the experience, allowing you to showcase your problem-solving and interpersonal skills effectively.

2. Be Concise and Focused

While providing sufficient context is crucial, it’s essential to stay concise and focused on the main points. Avoid excessive details and keep your answer relevant to the question asked. Practice your responses beforehand to ensure you can communicate your experiences effectively within a limited time.

3. Use Real-life Examples

Whenever possible, use real-life examples from your work experience, internships, or personal projects to illustrate your points. This demonstrates your ability to apply the skills you’ve learned in practical situations, making your response more credible and engaging.

4. Tailor Your Responses

Customize your answers to emphasize the skills and qualities the interviewer is looking for in a candidate. Research the company and the role beforehand to understand their values, culture, and expectations, and tailor your responses accordingly.

By employing these strategies and using the STAR method, you can effectively answer behavioral questions in tech interviews, showcasing your interpersonal skills and ability to handle various workplace scenarios. Remember to practice your responses and refine your storytelling skills to ensure a polished and confident performance during the interview.

Preparing for Behavioral Questions

Adequate preparation is crucial to effectively handle behavioral questions during tech interviews. By investing time in self-reflection and identifying key experiences relevant to the role, you can increase your confidence and improve your performance during the interview. Here are some tips for preparing for behavioral questions:

1. Self-reflection and Identifying Experiences

Take time to reflect on your past experiences, considering your accomplishments, challenges, and lessons learned. Think about situations where you displayed teamwork, leadership, problem-solving, and adaptability. Create a list of these experiences and analyze how they demonstrate your ability to excel in the role you’re applying for.

2. Develop Your Stories Using the STAR Method

For each experience you’ve identified, develop a story using the STAR method. This will help you create structured, clear, and focused responses to behavioral questions. Practice delivering these stories, focusing on being concise and engaging.

3. Mock Interviews and Feedback

One of the most effective ways to improve your performance in behavioral interviews is through practice. Conduct mock interviews with friends, family, or peers, and request feedback on your answers. This will help you identify areas where you need to improve and refine your storytelling skills.

4. Research the Company and Role

Understanding the company’s values, culture, and expectations for the role is essential in tailoring your answers to resonate with the interviewer. Research the company and role, paying special attention to the desired qualities and skills mentioned in the job description. This will help you emphasize the most relevant aspects of your experiences during the interview.

By preparing for behavioral questions, you’ll be better equipped to showcase your interpersonal skills and demonstrate your ability to handle various workplace scenarios, increasing your chances of success in tech interviews.

Body Language and Communication Tips

In addition to the content of your answers, the way you communicate and present yourself during tech interviews plays a significant role in creating a positive impression on the interviewer. Effective body language and communication skills can help convey confidence, professionalism, and enthusiasm for the role. Here are some body language and communication tips to help you excel in your interviews:

1. Maintain Eye Contact

Establishing and maintaining eye contact with the interviewer demonstrates confidence, attentiveness, and sincerity. Avoid staring, but maintain a comfortable level of eye contact to convey your interest in the conversation.

2. Sit Up Straight and Lean Forward Slightly

Adopting a good posture and leaning forward slightly when speaking indicates that you’re engaged and actively participating in the discussion. Slouching or leaning back can give the impression of disinterest or low energy.

3. Use Gestures Thoughtfully

Gestures can help emphasize your points and make your answers more engaging. However, it’s essential to use them thoughtfully and avoid excessive or distracting movements. Keep your gestures natural, controlled, and in sync with your speech.

4. Speak Clearly and at a Moderate Pace

Speak clearly, enunciate your words, and maintain a moderate pace to ensure that the interviewer can understand you easily. Avoid speaking too fast, as this can make you appear nervous or anxious.

5. Listen Attentively and Pause Before Responding

Active listening is crucial in an interview setting. Show that you’re listening by nodding, maintaining eye contact, and responding with appropriate verbal cues. When asked a question, take a brief pause before answering to gather your thoughts and formulate a coherent response.

6. Use a Positive and Confident Tone

A positive and confident tone helps convey enthusiasm for the role and confidence in your abilities. Avoid using a monotone or overly casual tone, as this can come across as unprofessional or disinterested.

By focusing on your body language and communication, you can create a positive impression during your tech interviews, complementing your well-prepared answers and increasing your chances of success.


In tech interviews, behavioral questions play a crucial role in assessing a candidate’s interpersonal skills and ability to handle various workplace scenarios. By understanding the types of behavioral questions, using the STAR method, and adopting effective body language and communication techniques, you can showcase your strengths and increase your chances of success in these interviews.

Preparing for behavioral questions involves self-reflection, identifying key experiences, developing your stories, and practicing your responses. Remember to research the company and role, tailor your answers to emphasize the skills and qualities the interviewer is looking for, and seek feedback from mock interviews to refine your storytelling skills.

In addition to technical expertise, demonstrating strong interpersonal skills in interviews can set you apart from other candidates and help you land your dream job. Invest time and effort in preparing for behavioral questions, and enter your interviews with confidence, knowing you’re ready to tackle both the technical and interpersonal aspects of the role.

Take a look at Grokking Modern Behavioral Interview if you are preparing for behavioral interviews.

Thanks for reading



Founder | Formally a software engineer @ Facebook, Microsoft, Hulu, Formulatrix | Entrepreneur, Software Engineer, Writer.