7 Time-Saving Habits for Web Developers

Pinjari Rehan
JavaScript in Plain English
5 min readMay 6, 2024


9 Time-Saving Habits for Web Devs

Hello there, fellow web developers! We’ve all experienced it: an endless to-do list, huge deadlines, and a never-ending desire to get things done yesterday.

Web developers have the challenge of combining tasks, correcting errors, and managing pixels while facing deadlines.

But do not worry! By adopting a few effortless habits, you may become a time-management ninja and take back those valuable hours.

This can not only boost your productivity but also help you avoid common coder burnout.

Let’s look at 7 time-saving habits that will have you overcoming deadlines and resting with an ironic victory cup in no time.

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7 Time-Saving Habits for the Busy Web Developer

Habit: 1. Master the Art of Prioritization

Not all tasks are created the same.

Prioritization is the technique of choosing and dealing with the most important things first.

This guarantees that your energy goes on what will truly move the needle in advance for your project.


  • Start your day by making a to-do list and assessing things based on their importance and urgency.
  • Identify task necessities: what needs to be completed before moving to the next task?

Use a to-do list tools such as Todoist or Trello to clearly prioritize tasks and track progress. (I prefer Trello.)

Habit: 2. Use the Amazing Power of Code Snippets and Templates

Don’t waste time recreating the wheel.

Use code snippets and templates to automate routine tasks and common code structures.

This saves time and effort while increasing code consistency.


  • Create code snippets for common functions, database queries, and UI components.
  • To get started with the layout of your project, use pre-built HTML templates or frameworks such as Bootstrap.

Many code editors, like Visual Studio Code, allow you to create and manage your own code snippets. Look for inspiration in online code snippet sources such as CodePen or GitHub Gists. (I recommend you try codepen.)

Habit: 3. TDD: Your Debugging BFF

TDD means creating unit tests for your code before you create the code itself.

This helps catch errors early on, preventing them from becoming bigger problems later on and saving you a lot of debugging work.


  • Before you create a function, write a unit test to make sure that it calculates the savings correctly.
  • Use TDD to confirm that your form validation logic works as meant.

There are many testing frameworks available for different programming languages. Think about using Jest for JavaScript or PHPUnit for PHP. There are a few online tutorials and tools that can help you get started with TDD.

Habit: 4. Accept the Power of Automation

Routine tasks are the exact opposite of productivity.

Automate them whenever possible using build tools, task runners, or browser extensions.

Free up brain space and valuable time for more creative problem-solving.


  • Use a build tool, such as Gulp or Grunt, to automate tasks like code reduction, Sass to CSS compilation, and unit testing.
  • Use browser extensions to automate repeated form filling and situations for testing.

Explore communities and forums to discover extensions that automate common tasks specific to your development environment.

Habit: 5. organize your digital workspace.

A jammed digital workspace could significantly decrease productivity.

Organize your codebase, files, and browser tabs to lessen distractions while improving your ability to find stuff fast.


  • Organize similar files and folders into logical directories inside your project.
  • Use code formatting tools to make sure that your code is clean and readable.
  • Create a way for naming files and folders consistently.
  • Never open too many browser tabs at once, and make use of bookmarking features.

Try out project management tools such as Asana or Trello to manage your team’s work, data, and communication. To improve the way you browse the web, check out browser extensions such as OneTab or Toby.

Habit: 6. The Technique of Saying No. (humbly)

It is OK to say no to foolish deadlines or requirements that are above your field of skills.

Set goals and focus your workload to save time and minimize exhaustion.


  • If your current workload is already large, politely reject taking on any new jobs.
  • If no reasonable deadlines are offered, explain any potential delays to clients.
  • If a request is outside your field of skills, offer alternate solutions or resources. (In my case, I suggest my developer friends who are skilled in that specific field.)

Improve your communication skills by learning how to say your declinations in a professional and respectful manner. There are multiple videos available for effective communication and managing client demands.

Habit: 7. Take Breaks and Recharge

While it might seem strange, taking regular breaks is essential for keeping focused and avoiding burnout.

Stepping away from your screen helps your mind to recharge, which might result in waves of motivation when you return.


  • Set a timer and take a little break every hour to stretch, walk around, or have something tasty to eat.
  • Schedule longer breaks during the day to take a break from work, exercise, or pursue hobbies.
  • Use strategies such as the Pomodoro Technique to structure your day of work into focused coding days followed by short breaks.

Download a meditation app, such as Headspace or Calm, to help you unwind and recharge during breaks. Try adding physical exercise into your breaks, such as short workout sessions or quick walks.


There you have it! By putting these 7 habits into your workflow, you will become a time-saving machine and significantly boost your productivity as a web developer.

Remember, the goal is to figure out the most effective combination of methods that works for you.

Experiment, adapt, and don’t be hesitant to change these habits to meet your own needs and preferences.

I hope you found this blog helpful. Please share your experiences and favorite time-saving tips in the comments section below!

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