20 Funny JavaScript Memes

I was scrolling through Reddit and remembered Atit’s post with 30 programming memes that made my day, so I decided to make one myself full of JavaScript memes for you guys. Enjoy!

Ariana Milasincic
JavaScript in Plain English


1. JS devs be like:

2. Aaaand that’s why you should probably use TypeScript

3. Hehehe, what experience?

4. You just gotta love the NaNs

5. Pretty good, now who can teach me Javascript in 30 seconds

6. The face explains it all — and this has actually happened to me

7. Ah… JavaScript, 3in1

8. Minimum skills required: PHP, C#, Scala, Ruby, JavaScript, Boostarap 4, CSS 5, Swift, Minimum 20 years experience. $10/hour

9. To all of the new JS frameworks

10. And how to become a developer of the one

11. Javascript conveys truths we could only hope to comprehend

12. Why couldn’t you just work on JAVAScript?

13. Plot twist: The ones learning are on the left.

14. The infamous sort

15. JavaScript Bad

16. Print, print, print…console.log(), console.log(), console.log()

17. Safe DB, what?

18. Isn’t it always like this?

19. And months are indexed from zero. How? Why?

20. And not JS related but totally true:


If you enjoyed this little break from programming you can try one of my JavaScript React tutorials:



Electrical engineer turned into a Frontend developer that loves robotics, fun facts and cooking!